DIGIMON CARD GAME Stater Deck 「Ragna Lordmon」【ST-13】
DIGIMON CARD GAME Stater Deck 「Ragna Lordmon」【ST-13】
Release date: April 22 2022
- Number of card types: 16 types
- Rarity: Common: 6 types, Uncommon: 5 types, Rare: 3 types, Super Rare: 2 type, Reprinted timer card: 6 types
- Content: 1 set of pre-built deck (54 cards), 2 memory gauges, 1 play sheet, 3 index sheets
Reprinted timer card (Luxury processing ver.)
- ST1-12
- BT3-093
- ST3-12
- BT3-094
- BT4-096
- ST6-14

DIGIMON CARD GAME Stater Deck 「Ragna Lordmon」【ST-13】
Sale price¥1,800