Reward program - Code promo CARDOTAKU
Loyalty program
Our loyalty system allows you to earn points by placing orders. These points can be converted into vouchers for
You will have access to another vouchers by following Cardotaku on social media, newsletters and by referring people.
Loyalty points when shopping
You automatically earn loyalty points when you place an order on the store when you are connected via your customer account.
As prices are based in yen, 1 yen spent on the store gives you 1 loyalty point.
Ratio point / voucher value
Loyalty points earned can be redeemed at any time as a voucher to be spent in the store.
100 yen spent in the store earns you 100 points.
100 points are equivalent to a voucher of 1 yen to spend on the store.
However, if you want to earn many more points at once, and without any obligation to buy, the best solution is to refer a friend.
Loyalty points by referring
From the moment you are registered on the store, a unique and personal referral code will be automatically assigned to you.
By sharing your referral code, you will get a 5% discount to all the people placing an order on the store via your link.
You also get a 200 yen discount for each person you refer to the shop via your link ! It's completely free and without any obligation to buy, it's like an affiliation and you can accumulate your points and enjoy yourself when you feel you have enough points to spend on the store.
Cumulative points with no expiration date
Whether it's loyalty points earned by placing orders or those earned through referrals, points are cumulative and have no limited validity date.
You are free to use your points whenever you want. You can use them every time you place an order on the store, or on the contrary, accumulate them, make a kitty to use later, or use only a part of them.
How to use your loyalty points?
Simply redeem your points for a voucher. To do this, click on the gift button at the bottom right of the site, unlock your points and use your coupon code at the check out.
Some tips to earn loyalty points and coupons easily :
First of all think of creating an account on the site, it is fast and free to make, and that does not engage you in anything. When you make an order, check that you are well connected.
Remember to share your personal link, in the description of your YouTube videos, Facebook post or on Twitter by mentioning that people who place an order via your link are entitled to a 5% discount on their order.
Thank you again for your confidence. Don't hesitate to take a look at our FAQ if you have any other questions or to contact us by email.